Terms & Conditions & Privacy Policy
The Himaal, Unit of Lazy Llama Hospitality
Cancellation & Refund Policy
  • We will need 100% advance to confirm your reservation.
  • Any cancellation received within 21 days of Check-in date: 50% of total booking amount will be levied as cancellation charge
  • Any cancellation received within 07 days of Check-in date: 100% of total booking amount will be levied as cancellation charge
  • Privacy Policy
    Data Protection Summary
    We request our guests to read this policy document carefully before sharing their personal information with us. By visiting our web sites, the guests accept the practices described in this policy document.
    This user data protection summary describes the collection and usage of personal information and data, in accordance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and/or in accordance with the Indian laws and regulations.
    Lazy Llama Hospitality reserves the right to change the privacy policy from time to time and guests are requested to visit our website frequently should check one privacy policy and terms of use to learn about the recent changes.
    Personal information collected by Lazy Llama Hospitality
    We may collect the following personal information: Guest name and contact information;  how they prefer to be addressed in communication from us, preferred modes of communication; job designation and business address; credit card details, including the three-digit code that appears on the back of credit card, dates of arrival and departure from our hotels / restaurants  guests preferences when they stay at Hotel; offers guests may have availed of from third party marketers in response to communication from Hotel. We may also record details on guests who have stayed or dined with other guests at Hotel, including their names and contact details.

    Besides the above, we may also collect the personal information during or arising from the following:
  • If you choose to reserve a room online, we record your arrival and departure dates, number of guests in the Hotel, details of guest rooms and tariff details.
  • When you make a request for a proposal from our meeting planners, by visiting our websites.
  • When you contact us with your questions or comments?
  • The guests have a right to modify or restrict (stop any active) processing of their personal information for any marketing related activities. The guests may opt out of our database by sending an email to contact@thehimaal.com How does Lazy Llama Hospitality share the personal information collected from its guests, including with third parties To ensure that you enjoy the same level of service across the Hotel, we may share your personal information with hotel staff and employees having the responsibility to provide such services to you. While doing so, Hotel will ensure that guests’ personal information is handled as per this policy.

  • If a corporate credit card is used, the billing information may be shared with employer.
  • With third parties:
  • We may use the services of third-party service providers to provide certain products and services like credit card billing, reservations services, call centre services, mass mailings, for which it is necessary to provide personal information. These parties are contractually prohibited from using the personal information for any purpose other than those specified by Hotel. We may provide information that is non-personal, to certain service providers for their use on an aggregated basis for the purpose of performing their contractual obligations to us. Hotel expressly prohibits the sale or transfer of any information to any party outside of Hotel by such service providers.
  • Hotel with or without prior notice to its guests, may have to share some guest information in order to comply with applicable laws or respond to governmental inquiries or requests from public authorities or to comply with valid legal process, to protect the rights, privacy, safety or property of Hotel, its guests, employees or the public or to permit us to pursue available remedies or limit the damages that we may sustain or to respond to an emergency. Non-personal or anonymous information collected by Lazy Llama Hospitality
  • Information that does not personally identify a guest is referred to as non-personal or anonymous information. When guest visit and interact with the sites www.thehimaal.com or third parties with whom Hotel has contracted to provide services, non-personal information, like, list of website pages visited by guest, could be collected. Technology like cookies could be used to help deliver content as per guest preference, to help guest process their reservations or other requests. While this cannot be used to disclose their identity, this information will identify the browser used by guest to our servers when they visit our site. To remove the cookies at any point from a computer, guests can delete them using their browser.
  • From time to time, we may allow third party advertisers to advertise on our websites. These third-party advertisers may use technologies like cookies, pixel tags to track which ads the browser used by guest has seen and which site pages they may have visited.  Hotel has no control over the use of this technology or the resulting information and is not responsible for any actions or policies of such third parties.

    Information disclosure
    Hotel may disclose your Personal Information as we believe to be necessary or appropriate:
    1. under applicable law, including laws outside your country of residence;
    2. to comply with legal process;
    3. to respond to requests from public and government authorities, including public and government authorities outside your country of residence, for national security and/or law enforcement purposes;
    4. to enforce our terms and conditions; and
    5. to allow us to pursue available remedies or limit the damages that we may sustain.

    Personal Data Security
    We collect/store your personal data through our website www.thehimaal.com, however we also collect and use your personal information when you visit or stay at our hotel or request for any of our services. This is for our internal use purpose only and we do not share your personal details with anyone. For any queries related to privacy/data security, please do not hesitate to contact us at  contact@thehimaal.com or call us: 91-9355171590.

    Greivance Officer
    In accordance with Information Technology Act, 2000 and rules made there under, the name and contact details of the Grievance Officer are provided below:
    Mrs. Alka Madan, Owner, The Himaal – Unit of Lazy Llama Hospitality
    Khasra Number 898/672, Mohal Suja, Village & Post Office Bir, Bir Himachal Pradesh, India 176077
    By call : 91-9355171590
    By e-mail: contact@thehimaal.com